You probably didn't even notice I was gone, but I was, for 8 glorious days to (somewhat) sunny Florida and the magic of Disney. *Sigh* It is so hard to come back to reality. I miss being called Princess, and I miss eating out at places like the new T-Rex (kinda like the RainForest Cafe' but with dinosaurs) every night, and I miss swimming in our own little pool in our backyard, and I miss the big glass wall in the living room of the house we rented that opened up to the screened in pool, and boats and roller coasters and light parades and fireworks, and oh all of it!
I took pver 600 pictures, got rid of about 400 and then I forced myself to choose just a "few" for the blog. It was so hard to pick because every image has a memory attached to it, a fun little moment in time that gives me a giggle or a sigh. So, there's lots, too many probably for the blog, but I know you are going to want to see them Mom, and it will be too long before I have the time to do a slideshow. So, enjoy, or just close it out b/c you are sick of Gaulin Disney for heaven's sake.

Ella danced absolutely everywhere she went, it was super cute and cracked us up to the point of tears at times. Crowds and dancing like a free-spirit butterfly princess do not go well together, either, so it was also tiring. See? She needs to learn to pace herself!

Fireworks at Magic Kingdom- they are so cool- and Tinker Bell comes out of the top of the Castle and slides down a huge long zipline right over our heads! WOW. There is some serious creativity, imagination and genius displayed at this place!
Waiting for our $90 lunch in Italy. Craziness.

Look at those smiles!
More dancing.

See what I mean? How tired would you have to be to fall asleep on Dad's shoulders?

John is making fun of Ella's constant dancing here. He is NOt as cute as her.Not sure why, but Blogger is making some of these look a little funky. Hhhhmmm....