Isn't this fun? I loved this image when I first proofed it "clean." But looking at it I knew that it could really be something special with a bit more of...hhhmmm... something. I wasn't sure what that something was though, so I experimented... alot. In fact, I couldn't even tell you exactly what I did because I've added so many layers, color saturation, textures, and such, I couldn't even begin to recall all that took place here! Anyway, this was a fun diversion from cleaning my house and gave me some fun in an otherwise typical day....

God is at work everywhere, even in a high end art studio like Heather's in the middle of the deep south in an affluent neighborhood in Huntsville, AL. It is there that God works through photographers, staff members, conference coordinators, graphic designers, and camera men. He speaks words of renewal and refreshing over His people, through His people. He is a great and awesome God who knows just what we need when we need it. Thanks for being there, My Great King! You reminded me so graciously that I must believe what you say- you never lie or forget to do your job. You are always just and righteous and you promise to work for our good.
This weekend He reminded me that He created me to be succesful, not for mediocrity and certainly not for failure. Whatever little bit of talent I have he gave to me and requires me to multiply it. I will do that. And I will live believing that I was created with a hope and a future, with plans to prosper.
We finally battled the weather enough to get in the second phase of this sweet family's session. Here is your sneak peek part II, C Family!

Until next time.....
Want one of these starring YOU for your Facebook or MySpace account? Book your senior session in July or August and these are FREE.

Up up and awayyyyyy...I am flying to Huntsville, AL in the morning where I will be meeting up with fellow P-Chicks Julie Monacella and Cindy Harter! We have the great privelege of attending Heather Bookout's workshop, one of my all time favorite photographers. Not only is Heather incredibly talented, she is unbelievably generous and credits our Great God for her success. Her story is very inspiring and can be read on her website. Link is to the right under When I Grow Up I Want to Be.
I will be back over the weekend so send me an e-mail if you have any questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
See ya!
For those of you out there who don't really have a Dad to celebrate, and for those of you who are and were lucky enough to enjoy the love of a great Father, this is for you...
(Thanks Hayley)
Okay Mom (aka Aunt MJ) had me a little worried about how little J would do on a photo shoot. No worries though, he most likely has a career ahead of him as a GQ model. As for Big Brother "S", well, he will probably be hired by GQ right after they see these handsome shots of him. Boys, I had quite a lovely morning with you. And since we don't get to see each other very often, I really really LOVED the hugs I got when we were all done!

This one just seemed to need an antique treatment, don't you think?

And I think I may have mentioned that I thought this one would end up being my fav- well, I was right- I LOVE this! I love little boy toes and rolled up pants and straw hats- what could be better?

I can't wait to proof the rest of these..you'll be hearing from me soon!
I am away in NY through Sunday. If you e-mail me, I can read your mail, but I can't respond from here until I get back. Not sure why but that's how it works. Just wanted to let you know!
Did you think I had forgotten you? No way!
I am actually away in NY right now at my Parent's house. We went to the Great Escape yesterday in the cccold rain and then enjoyed a 90+ degree day here with no a/c! Yayyy! Gotta love the summer in the north country! Anyway, I am a little behind so I thought I would stay up late and get a few of your images done. I bet Mom is waiting anxiously.
So, without further adieu, here is my absolutely drop dead gorgeous sweet as sugar and all around beautiful person, my 2009 senior rep, Sarah. You may remember her urban session from a few weeks ago.. this is Part 2..

Seniors, call me now to book your session for the summer. There will be deals for July, but not for August, so tell your Moms to book your session right away...
Here you are A Family! Okay, I only have edited these few shots- don't worry, there are lots your Mom will like, but I just had to do these b/c they are so funky fun! (And the color is actually quite a bit more vivid than blogger seems to show.) :(

And one they weren't asking for, but I couldn't resist...