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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why I Love My Valentine {New Hampshire Family Photographer}

This is my Valentine.

I am going to attempt to put into words all the reasons why I adore this man. I am not much of a writer, so I can only hope that I say it just right. Here goes:

He is a Father. Like he is a Father in every sense of the word, not just a Dad. Or one of those guys that sort of babysits when Mom isn't around. He Fathers. He loves. He teaches. He disciplines. He plays. He invests in his children.

He lines up his shirts with his shirts and his pants with his pants and when he's really on, even the colors are lined up just right.

He does laundry. Yes he does. Ladies, I know you are jealous, but it's all good because this makes up for him not knowing where the vacuum cleaner is or what you use to clean a toilet.

He is good at everything because he believes he can do anything. He finished our basement after never having done anything like that before. The carpet guy wanted to know what contractor did the work because it was so flawless. This is also annoying b/c I don't have this trait.

He lets me be me. And that's hard sometimes because I am the opposite of him- emotional, passionate, and engaged. That can be challenging when emotions are not really your thing. He does it well, too, humoring me at times but also balancing me. I need balance. He is the yin to my yang.

He may not be emotional but I have seen him cry- when his children were born and whenever God moves. It's awesome to see.

He cleans up puke.

He gets me, most of the time. And when he doesn't, he tries.

He loves my business. It took awhile, but he loves it. He loves that it saved me, that it makes me, and that it was a prayer that God graciously granted me.

I am proud of his work. I am proud of his work ethic. I am proud of his success. I am proud of his provision.

He sort of has a big ego. I kinda like it. It's fun to knock it down sometimes.

He loves me anyway. And that's a really big anyway.

Happy Valentines Day My Love!


Denise Snyder said...

Sounds like you are a very lucky lady! I absolutely LOVE these pics - they deserve plenty of wall space.

Anonymous said...

I think "He cleans up puke" is my favorite! And you forgot - "He is handsome"! These photos are great - as usual! Love and miss you guys. Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I too love your man for all the same reasons. Happy Valentines Day to you both! And what - no rubbing the eyebrow photo??

SW said...

i love these!! Happy Val day!! HUGS!

Cindy Harter said...

alli, this is soooo sweet !!! I really enjoyed seeing the images of him with the kids :)

Anonymous said...

your family is absolutely beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Oh what a great post! I love seeing other photographers families. What a great dedication to your man. You have a beautiful family!

Julie Ranee said...

You are most definitely a writer! Love what you said about your hubby. And the images are perfect . . . absolute treasures!

Anonymous said...

If we would all take the time to write or at the very least, think about the qualities of our husbands, there wouldn't be nearly as many divorces or breakups. We all just take it all for granted; the most important people in our lives are always the ones that are left for the last little bit of gratitude if there is any left and that is so wrong. I'm so very thankful for John in my daughter's life. He is indeed a good father to my grandbabies, a wonderful caring husband to my daughter and he is also probably the worlds best son in law. We love you John.

Ali said...

Beautiful story and beautiful family pictures Alli.
You are truly blessed my friend.x

meggie said...

Alli........ this is so special so beautiful and so heartfelt, What a wonderful tribute to your rock, your man and your BF. xoxo